A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume II: National and International Patterns (DuPont) Publication DateApril 1969 AuthorT.J. Gordon Report NumberR-2 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Priorities in Postsecondary Education (The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations) Formerly SR-64 Publication DateFebruary 1977 AuthorMichael Palmer Margaret Chula Carreen Jensen Robert Johansen Patricia A. Samuel Paul Armer Report NumberR-36 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Health Care Services Environment: Hospital Utilization to 1995 (Robert Wood Johnson with American Hospital Association) (SR-156, 3rd phase, New Diagnostic Technologies) Publication DateJune 1983 AuthorM. Poulin G. Schmid B. McNeal Report NumberR-58 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on the Practice of Medicine, 1982, 95 (See R-60A) Publication DateJanuary 1985 Report NumberR-60 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on the Practice of Medicine, 1982, 95 (See P-142) Publication DateJanuary 1985 Report NumberR-60A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
New Strategies for Innovations in Medical Information Systems (John Hartford) Publication DateDecember 1984 AuthorM. Pulin Report NumberR-61 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) Publication DateAugust 1985 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-66 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) Publication DateFebruary 1986 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-66A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Medical Equipment and Supplies Industry (CDC) Publication DateDecember 1985 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-70 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
Medical Equipment and Supplies Industry (CDC) Publication DateMay 1986 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-70A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young