Some Commercial and Industrial Aspects of the Space Program
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Space provides platforms from which it is possible to link any two global locations, thus making line-of-sight communication via satellite a reality. Use of space communication links is currently limited more by economic than by technological factors. The economics of space communication systems is of prime concern in exploiting the industrial applications of space.
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Potential Institutional Arrangements of Organizations Involved in the Exploitation of Remotely Sensed Earth Resources Data
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Can the Concepts and Institutions of Personal Insurance Survive Our Changing Systems?
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The Social Responsibility of Business
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Since the term "social responsibility " can be interpreted in many ways, it must be carefully defined at the outset. In the present context, "social responsibilities of business" are defined as expectations arising from the transactions between a corporation and the following principal societal claimants : shareholders (including bond holders) ; employees; consumers; government; public; suppliers; and competitors . The social aspects of business responsibility stem from the two-sided relationships between business and the society which created it and which it in turn serves.