Laboratory Costs and Utilization—A Framework for Analysis and Policy Design; published in the Journal of Medical Education, April 1981, pp. 307-315 Publication DateNovember 1980 AuthorD. Hardwick I. Morrison J. Tydeman P. Cassidy W. Chase Report NumberP-90 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords holland biomedical press complexity of testing costs and utilization economics of clinical
Analyzing the Factors Contributing to Rising Laboratory Costs Publication DateNovember 1980 AuthorD. Hardwick I. Morrison J. Tydeman P. Cassidy W. Chase Report NumberP-91 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords holland biomedical press complexity of testing costs and utilization economics of clinical
Structuring Complexity of Testing—A Process Control Approach to Limiting Unnecessary Laboratory Use Publication DateNovember 1980 AuthorD. Hardwick I. Morrison J. Tydeman P. Cassidy W. Chase Report NumberP-93 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords holland biomedical press complexity of testing costs and utilization economics of clinical
The Cost of Procedures Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory Publication DateSeptember 1980 AuthorJ. Tydeman I. Morrison D. Hardwick P. Cassidy Report NumberP-101 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords holland biomedical press complexity of testing costs and utilization economics of clinical
The Cost of Laboratory Technology: A Framework for Cost Management Publication DateMay 1981 AuthorJ. Tydeman I. Morrison D. Kasap M. Poulin Report NumberP-102 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords holland biomedical press complexity of testing costs and utilization economics of clinical
The Common Sense of Trying Out Videotex; prepared for Viewdata ’80, Panel on Design and Evaluation on Videotex/Viewdata Services Publication DateFebruary 1980 AuthorR. Johansen Report NumberP-82 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teleconferencing developmentally disabled service delivery human services
Establishing a Telephone Conferencing System Publication DateAugust 1980 AuthorE. Connell Alternate Media Center, NYU Report NumberP-88 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teleconferencing developmentally disabled service delivery human services
You Can See the Results, But What Went into the Making? Publication DateJuly 1981 AuthorR. Burns Report NumberP-103 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords teleconferencing developmentally disabled service delivery human services
A National League of Cities/OPRE, Teleconference on Human Services Planning, A Report of Participant Reactions Publication DateJanuary 1981 AuthorM. Nyhan Report NumberP-106 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords teleconferencing developmentally disabled service delivery human services
The Effects of Current Economic Pressures on the Scope for New Telecommunications Services in the Field of Developmental Disabilities Publication DateJuly 1981 AuthorMartin C.J. Elton Report NumberP-109 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords teleconferencing developmentally disabled service delivery human services