Some Possible Futures of American Religion Publication DateMay 1970 AuthorT. Gordon Report NumberP-4 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
The Maturing of Corporate Planning; published in “Issues,” The PA Journal for Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1986, pp. 23-26, reprint Publication DateOctober 1986 AuthorR. Amara Report NumberP-141 Topic Category Forecasting Methodologies Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Outlook for the California Economy; presented to The Bay Area Council, San Francisco, CA, January 14, 1992 Publication DateJanuary 1992 AuthorI. Morrison Report NumberP-176 Topic Category Governance Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Does California Have an Economic Future? Presented to the California Business-Higher Education Forum Publication DateApril 1994 AuthorI. Morrison Report NumberP-183 Topic Category Governance Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) Publication DateAugust 1985 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-66 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) Publication DateFebruary 1986 AuthorR. Mittman M. Poulin Report NumberR-66A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
The Future of Hunting and Gun Control Publication DateJuly 1975 AuthorAndrew J. Lipinski Report NumberWP-25 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
Health Care in Australia 1980-2000; published in Futures, June 1979, pp. 224-234 Publication DateJune 1979 AuthorJ. Tydeman R. Mitchell Report NumberP-100 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Can Health Care (as we know it) Survive in the Eighties?; address to the Annual Meeting of the Hospital Council of Southern California, February 13, 1980 Publication DateFebruary 1980 AuthorJ. Tydeman Report NumberP-104 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on Health Care; published in Health Care Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, Winter 1986, pp. 167-182, reprint Publication DateJuly 1985 AuthorG. Schmid M. Poulin B. McNeal Report NumberP-142 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals