The World Grain Trade in the Next Decade; published in Ag World, Vol. 2, No. 5, June 1976, reprint Publication DateJune 1976 AuthorG. Schmid Report NumberP-37 Topic Category Food Keywords international economic exporters international financial markets world's monetary standard
Japanese Competition in the Information Industry Publication DateMay 1972 AuthorP. Baran Report NumberP-17 Topic Category Technology Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
What We Have Learned about Forecasting and Planning; published in Futures, August 1988, pp. 385-401 reprint Publication DateFebruary 1988 AuthorR. Amara Report NumberP-152 Topic Category Forecasting Methodologies Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
The Future of Newsprint, 1970-2000, A Special Industry Report (MB) Publication DateDecember 1971 AuthorPaul Baran Report NumberR-16 Topic Category Technology Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
On the Nature of Economic Losses Arising from Computer-Based Systems in the Next 15 Years (Skandia) Publication DateMarch 1972 AuthorJ.R. Salancik T.J. Gordon Neale Adams Report NumberR-23 Topic Category Technology Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
Home Information Systems: Some Thoughts on the Role of Public Television; published in Public Telecommunications Review, May/June 1979, pp. 20-25 Publication DateMay 1979 AuthorM.J. Nyhan R. Johansen R. Plummer Report NumberP-73 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teletext and videotex videotex service captioning broadcasters
4004 Futures for Teletext and Videotex in the U.S.; published in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-25, 7/79, pp. 318-326; became part of Background Papers Workshop on Teletext and Videotex in the U.S., May 20-22, 1979, $15.00 (See Mis Publication DateJuly 1979 AuthorR. Plummer R. Johansen M.J. Nyhan P.G. Holmlöv Report NumberP-76 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teletext and videotex videotex service captioning broadcasters
Videotex and Teletext in the U.S.: Prospects for the 1980s; prepared for Videotex in Action Publication DateFebruary 1980 AuthorM. Nyhan R. Johansen R. Plummer Report NumberP-81 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teletext and videotex videotex service captioning broadcasters
Electronic Yellow Pages at the Forefront of U.S. Videotex Policy Debate; prepared for Viewdata ‘81, London, England, October 6-8, 1981 Publication DateAugust 1981 AuthorR. Adler M. Nyhan J. Tydeman Report NumberP-94 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teletext and videotex videotex service captioning broadcasters
The Videotex Invention: Marvel or Myth?; presented at National Cable Television Association, Executive Seminar Series, Videotex Services, February 2, 1980 Publication DateFebruary 1980 AuthorM. Nyhan Report NumberP-98 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teletext and videotex videotex service captioning broadcasters