A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume III: Delphi Study (DuPont) Publication DateApril 1969 AuthorT.J. Gordon Report NumberR-3 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Forecasts of Some Technological and Scientific Developments and Their Societal Consequences (EPRC, CRC, WU) Publication DateSeptember 1969 AuthorT.J. Gordon R.H. Ament Report NumberR-6 Topic Category Technology Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Some Prospects for Social Change by 1985 and Their Impact on Time/Money Budgets (GTE) Publication DateMarch 1972 AuthorSelwyn Enzer D.L. Little F.D. Lazar Report NumberR-25 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Notes on Seminar on Future Broad-Band Communications Publication DateFebruary 1970 AuthorPaul Baron Report NumberWP-1 Topic Category Technology Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Factors in the Introduciton of a New Communications Technology Into Syria and Turkey: Background Data Publication DateAugust 1970 AuthorGare LeCompte Report NumberWP-10 Topic Category Technology Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Simulation, Futurism, and the Liberal Arts College: A Case Study Publication DateApril 1971 AuthorDennis L. Little, Raul de Brigard Report NumberWP-15 Topic Category Work & Learn Keywords forecast probability of occurrence probability distribution cross impact matrix
Japanese Competition in the Information Industry Publication DateMay 1972 AuthorP. Baran Report NumberP-17 Topic Category Technology Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
The U.S. in the Decade Ahead: An Inventory of Resources Publication DateDecember 1978 AuthorR. Amara Report NumberP-72 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
Two-Year Colleges in the 1980s Publication DateFebruary 1980 AuthorG. Schmid L. Russell Report NumberP-79 Topic Category Work & Learn Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
Center Stage for Human Resources: Ten Shapers of the Corporate Work Force; presented at the Conference on Strategic Human Resource Management, The Conference Board, New York, February 8-9, 1983 Publication DateFebruary 1983 AuthorR. Amara Report NumberP-130 Topic Category Equitable Futures Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young