P-117 |
1981 Audio Conferencing Handbook |
P. Rowan |
P-76 |
4004 Futures for Teletext and Videotex in the U.S.; published in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-25, 7/79, pp. 318-326; became part of Background Papers Workshop on Teletext and Videotex in the U.S., May 20-22, 1979, $15.00
(See Mis |
R. Plummer
R. Johansen
M.J. Nyhan
P.G. Holmlöv |
WP-2 |
A case Study Using Forecasting as a Decisionmaking Aid |
Selwyn Enzer |
WP-5 |
A Collation of Similar Delphi Forecasts |
Robert C. Sahr |
R-21 |
A Forecast of the Interaction Between Business and Society in the Next Five Years (Chase Manhattan) |
T.J. Gordon
D.L. Little
H.L. Strudler
D.D. Lustgarten |
R-18 |
A Framework for Community Development Action Planning, Volume I: An Approach to the Planning Process (CDCA) |
H.S. Becker
Raul de Brigard |
R-19 |
A Framework for Community Development Action Planning, Volume II: Study Procedure, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future Research (CDCA) |
H.S. Becker
Raul de Brigard |
P-97 |
A Framework for Corporate Strategic Planning: Philosophy, Process, and Practice; prepared for Chemical Marketing Research Association Meeting, September 22, 1980 |
R. Amara |
P-18 |
A Framework for National Science Policy Analyses; published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-2, No. 1, January 1972, reprint |
R. Amara |
WP-7 |
A Method of Obtaining Forecasts for Long-Range Aerospace Program Planning |
Harold S. Becker |
P-106 |
A National League of Cities/OPRE, Teleconference on Human Services Planning, A Report of Participant Reactions |
M. Nyhan |
P-22 |
A Note on Cross-impact Analysis: A Calculus for Sequence-dependent Events; published in Futures, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 1972, pp. 267-271, reprint |
R. Amara |
WP-31 |
A Scenario Approach to Assessment of New Communications Media |
Kathleen Spangler, Robert Johansen, Jacques Valle |
R-9 |
A Simulation Game for the Study of State Policies (CRC) |
Selwyn Enzer
T.J. Gordon
Richard Rochberg
Robert Buchele |
R-55 |
A Snapshot View of Communication Patterns (New Hampshire Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) Formerly SR-121 |
Michael Nyhan
Jeff Charles
Kathleen Vian |
R-1 |
A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume I: Summary and Conclusions (DuPont) |
T.J. Gordon |
R-2 |
A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume II: National and International Patterns (DuPont) |
T.J. Gordon |
R-3 |
A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume III: Delphi Study (DuPont) |
T.J. Gordon |
R-4 |
A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefits, Volume IV: Appendices to the Delphi Study (DuPont) |
T.J. Gordon |
R-52 |
A Survey of Permanently Installed Teleconferencing Rooms in North America (AT&T) Formerly SR-100 |
Robert Johansen |
P-179 |
Adaptations of Distance Education in the 1990s; from ITCA Yearbook 1991 |
J. Charles |
R-39 |
Alternative Futures and Postsecondary Education in Pennsylvania (Buhl Foundation and PACU) Formerly SR-82 |
Robert Johansen
Maureen McNulty |
P-61 |
America’s Continuing Revolution—The Dispersion of Power; published in Executive, March 1978 |
G. Schmid |
P-78 |
An Interactive Computer-Based Approach to Aid Group Problem Formulation |
J. Tydeman
H. Lipinski
S. Spang |
P-91 |
Analyzing the Factors Contributing to Rising Laboratory Costs |
D. Hardwick
I. Morrison
J. Tydeman
P. Cassidy
W. Chase |
P-124 |
Approaches to Teleconferencing Justification: Toward a General Model; published in Telecommunications Policy, December 1981, pp. 296-303, reprint |
J. Charles |
P-30X |
Assessing a Problem-Oriented Social Technology: A General Conduct ; published in Futures, December 1974, pp. 486-498; based on R-30, Some Impacts of No-Fault Automobile Insurance—A Technology Assessment |
S. Enzer |
WP-45 |
Assessing Teleconferencing Needs |
Jeff Charles |
P-168 |
At Work in the U.S. in the 1990s: Some Human Resource Intangibles; presented at the 15th Annual CAP Meeting, San Francisco, February 5-6, 1990 |
R. Amara |
P-157 |
Believable Broadband for Business, Four Scenarios; Columbia University Center for Telecommunications and Information Studies: Project on Integrated Broadband Networks |
P. Saffo
R. Johansen |
P-74 |
Beyond Protectionism; published in Futures, October 1979, pp. 395-401 |
G. Schmid |
P-111 |
Building A New Partnership: Microcomputers and the Disabled |
Red Burns
Pat Quarles |
WP-20 |
Business Potential of Teleconferencing in Canada |
Andrew J. Lipinski |
P-162 |
Business Teams: A Spark for Many Fires; A Briefing Paper for International Center for Information Technology |
R. Johansen |
P-145 |
Business Television for Competitive Advantage |
J. Charles |
R-100A |
California Health Safety Net Databook |
R-104 |
California’s Local Libraries: Entering the 21st Century (California State Library) |
R. Kaplan
N. Ozawa
A. Saveri
G. Schmid |
P-104 |
Can Health Care (as we know it) Survive in the Eighties?; address to the Annual Meeting of the Hospital Council of Southern California, February 13, 1980 |
J. Tydeman |
P-12 |
Can the Concepts and Institutions of Personal Insurance Survive Our Changing Systems? |
T. Gordon |
P-130 |
Center Stage for Human Resources: Ten Shapers of the Corporate Work Force; presented at the Conference on Strategic Human Resource Management, The Conference Board, New York, February 8-9, 1983 |
R. Amara |
P-116 |
Choosing an Electronic Message System: A Guide for the Human Services |
P-132 |
Communicating Probabilistic Forecasts; presented to the International Symposium on Forecasting, Philadelphia, PA, June 5-8, 1983 |
A. Lipinski
H. Lipinski |
P-64 |
Communicating the Future; published in Futures, Vol. 10, No. 2, April, 1978 |
A. Lipinski |
P-86 |
Communication in Interactive Simulation; prepared for 1980 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, December 3-5, 1980 |
H. Lipinski
S. Spang |
P-67 |
Communication Needs in Computer Modeling; published in conference proceedings, 1978 Winter Simulation Conference, Vol. 1 |
H. Lipinski
R. Amara
K. Spangler |
P-9 |
Comparison of Delphi Forecasting Studies in 1964 and 1969 |
R. Ament |
P-44 |
Computer Conferencing: Measurable Effects on Working Patterns; prepared for the National Telecommunication Conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Dallas, Texas, November 29 to December 1, 1976 |
R. Johansen
J. Vallee
M. Palmer |
R-65A |
Computer Industry Outlook, Final Report and Appendix (CDC) |
R. Mittman
R. Roistacher |
R-75A |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing; Appendix
Revised |
R. Mittman |
R-75 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing; Appendix |
R. Mittman |
P-45 |
Computer Networks and the Interactive Use of Geologic Data: Recent Experiments in Teleconferencing; published in Proceedings of the COGEODATA Symposium, Paris, November 24-26, 1975 |
J. Vallee
T. Wilson |
P-24 |
Computer-Assisted Expert Interrogation: A Report on Current Methods Development; published in Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 5, 1973, pp. 3-18 |
A. Lipinski
H. Lipinski
R. Randolph |
P-77 |
Computer-Based Teleconferencing: Effects on Working Patterns; published in Journal of Communication, Vol. 29, No. 3, Summer 1979, pp. 30-41, reprint. |
R. Johansen
R. DeGrasse |
P-21 |
Computer-Communications for the Community Information Utility; published in Planning Community Information Utilities, Chapter 9, pp. 219-262 |
P. Baran |
WP-9 |
Considerations on a Framework for Community Action Planning |
Harold S. Becker, Raul de Brigard |
R-72A |
Consumer Electronics (CDC)
Revised |
R. Mittman
P. Saffo |
R-72 |
Consumer Electronics (CDC) |
R. Mittman P. Saffo |
P-70 |
Cross-Impact Analysis—Extended KSIM |
H. Lipinski
J. Tydeman |
P-15 |
Cross-Impact Techniques in Technology Assessment; published in Futures, March 1972, pp. 30-51 |
S. Enzer |
WP-8 |
Delphi and Cross-Impact Techniques: An Effective Combination for Systematic Futures Analysis |
Selwyn Enzer |
WP-47 |
Demistifying the Innovation Process |
Robert Johansen |
R-5 |
Development of Long-Range Forecasting Methods for Connecticut: A Summary (CRC) |
Olaf Helmer
T.J. Gordon
Selwyn Enzer
Raul de Brigard
Richard Rochberg |
P-47 |
Distributed Management of Scientific Projects: An Analysis of Two Computer-Conferencing Experiments at NASA; published in Telecommunications Policy, December 1976, pp. 75-85, reprint |
J. Vallee
B. Gibbs |
P-183 |
Does California Have an Economic Future? Presented to the California Business-Higher Education Forum |
I. Morrison |
R-66 |
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) |
R. Mittman M. Poulin |
R-66A |
Drug and Pharmaceuticals Industry (CDC) |
R. Mittman
M. Poulin |
P-43 |
Education for Survival: Some Necessary Cognitive, Participative, and Perceptual Changes for America’s Third Century |
R. Amara |
WP-27 |
Educational Programs for the Elderly |
Mauren McNulty, Michael Palmer |
R-74A |
Electronic Components (CDC)
Revised |
R. Mittman
R. Roistacher |
R-74 |
Electronic Components (CDC) |
R. Mittman R. Roistacher |
WP-29 |
Electronic Education With Reduced Expectations: A Report on Teleconferencing |
Barbara McNeal, Robert Johansen |
R-42 |
Electronic Education: Using Teleconferencing in Postsecondary Organizations (Exxon Education Foundation) |
Robert Johansen
Maureen McNulty
Barbara McNeal |
R-71A |
Electronic Information Services (CDC)
Revised |
R. Mittman
B. Lucas |
R-71 |
Electronic Information Services (CDC) |
R. Mittman
B. Lucas |
R-49 |
Electronic Mail Among University Training Centers: A Demonstration in National Network Building |
Barbara McNeal |
R-37 |
Electronic Meetings: Technical Alternatives and Social Choices. Source: Robert Johansen, Jacques Vallee, and Kathleen Spanger, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1979. This book is an expanded version of: The Camelia Report: A Study of Technical |
Robert Johansen
Jacques Vallee
Kathleen Spanger
R. Garry Shirts |
P-66 |
Electronic Meetings: Utopian Dreams and Complex Realities; published in The Futurist, October 1978, pp. 313-319, reprint |
R. Johansen
J. Vallee
K. Spangler |
P-94 |
Electronic Yellow Pages at the Forefront of U.S. Videotex Policy Debate; prepared for Viewdata ‘81, London, England, October 6-8, 1981 |
R. Adler
M. Nyhan
J. Tydeman |
WP-22 |
Emerging Soeietal Issues: Some Suggestions for Research |
Roy Amara, Robert Johansen, Andrew J. Lipinski, Patricia Samuel, Kathleen Spangler, Jacques Valle |
P-88 |
Establishing a Telephone Conferencing System |
E. Connell
Alternate Media Center, NYU |
R-59 |
Estimates for Alternatives to Pacific Bell Services (See SR-216) |
P-180 |
Evaluation of the North Slope Borough Teleconference Network |
J. Charles
N. Ozawa |
WP-10 |
Factors in the Introduciton of a New Communications Technology Into Syria and Turkey: Background Data |
Gare LeCompte |
R-24 |
Federal/State Science Policy and Connecticut: A Futures Research Workshop (NSF) |
Selwyn Enzer |
P-60 |
Five Emergent Features of U.S. Society and Their Impact on Management in the Next Decade; published in Planning Review |
R. Amara |
P-174 |
Five Scenarios: Visions, Values, and Impediments |
I. Morrison |
P-107 |
Forecasting a New Hybrid Technology—Teletext and Videotex; published in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mini- and Micro-Computers, Mexico, April 1981 |
J. Tydeman |
P-14 |
Forecasting: From Conjectural Art Toward Science |
R. Amara J. Salancik |
R-6 |
Forecasts of Some Technological and Scientific Developments and Their Societal Consequences (EPRC, CRC, WU) |
T.J. Gordon
R.H. Ament |
P-26 |
FORUM: A Computer-Assisted Communications Medium; published in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Communication, reprint |
H. Lipinski
R. Miller |
P-39 |
FORUM: A Computer-Based System to Support Interaction Among People; published in Proceedings of the International Federation of Information Processing Congress, August 1974, reprint |
R. Amara
J. Vallee |
P-147 |
From Reflection to Action: Strategic Planning in the City of Anaheim, Initial Draft of Paper |
A. Hassam
N. Priest
G. Schmid |
P-136 |
From the Analyst to the Executive: Communicating to Corporate Management; presented at ORSA/TIMS 1984 Joint National Meeting, Dallas, TX, November 11, 1984 |
A. Lipinski |
P-172 |
Future of the American Family; presentation to the Kaleidoscope Views Conference, October 18, 1991 |
J. Donzelli |
R-38 |
Future Societal Developments and Postsecondary Education (Lilly Endowment, Inc.)
Formerly SR-72 |
Robert Johansen
Patricia Samuel |
R-22 |
Futures Research as an Aid to Government Planning in Canada: Four Workshop Demonstrations (Canada) |
Selwyn Enzer
W.I. Boucher
F.D. Lazar |
R-22A |
Futures Research as an Aid to Government Planning in Canada: Four Workshop Demonstrations—Supporting Appendices (Canada) |
Selwyn Enzer
W.I. Boucher
F.D. Lazar |
WP-32 |
Futures Workshops: Technology Assessment of Videotex and Teletex |
John Tydeman, Hubert Lipinski |
P-53 |
Futurology Applied to Education: Some Basic Elements; published in Educational Technology, Vol. 17, No. 4, April 1977, pp. 7-14, reprint |
R. Johansen
P. Samuel |
P-34 |
Geologic Application of Network Conferencing: Current Experiments with the FORUM System; published in ACS Computer Networking and Chemistry Symposium Series, No. 19, pp. 53-66, reprint |
J. Vallee
G. Askevold |
R-100 |
Global Opportunities: Searching for Markets and Working Across Borders (The Corporate Associates Program) |
S. Bardin
R. Mittman
A. Saveri
G. Schmid
J. Wayne |
WP-48 |
Governing Local Communities in 2040 |
Gregory Schmidt |
R-32 |
Group Communication through Computers, Volume 1: Design and Use of the FORUM System (ARPA, NSF) |
Jacques Vallee
Hubert M. Lipinski
Richard H. Miller |
R-35 |
Group Communication through Computers, volume 3: Pragmatics and Dynamics (NSF) |
Jacques Vallee
Robert Johansen
Hubert Lipinski
Kathleen Spangler
Thaddeus Wilson
Andrew Hardy |
R-40 |
Group Communication through Computers, Volume 4: Social, Managerial, and Economic Issues (NSF)
Formerly SR-90 |
Jacques Vallee
Robert Johansen
Hubert Lipinski
Kathleen Spangler
Thaddeus Wilson |
R-41 |
Group Communication through Computers, Volume 5: Effects on Working Patterns (NSF) Formerly SR-96 |
Robert Johansen
Robert DeGrasse
Thaddeus Wilson |
P-27 |
Group Communication through Electronic Media: Fundamental Choices and Social Effects; published in Educational Technology, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 7-20, reprint. |
R. Johansen
R. Miller
J. Vallee |
P-163 |
Groupware and Collaborative Systems, A Big Picture View; published in IEEE Communications Society, “IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference,” November 27-30, 1989 |
R. Johansen |
P-167 |
Groupware: Future Directions and Wild Cards; prepared for Conference on Organizational Computing, Coordination, and Collaboration, Austin, TX, November 13-14, 1989 |
R. Johansen |
P-123 |
Growth in Teleconferencing: Looking Beyond the Rhetoric of Readiness; published in Telecommunications Policy, December 1981, pp. 289-295, reprint |
R. Johansen
K. Hansell
D. Green |
P-100 |
Health Care in Australia 1980-2000; published in Futures, June 1979, pp. 224-234 |
J. Tydeman
R. Mitchell |
P-169 |
Health Care in the 1990s: Where Managed Care and Universal Access Meet |
R. Amara |
R-58 |
Health Care Services Environment: Hospital Utilization to 1995 (Robert Wood Johnson with American Hospital Association)
(SR-156, 3rd phase, New Diagnostic Technologies) |
M. Poulin
G. Schmid
B. McNeal |
P-161 |
Health Care: How Can We Learn from Canada; prepared for The Generational Journal, April 1989 |
I. Morrison
R. Amara |
P-171 |
Health Care: Visions of a Public/Private Partnership |
I. Morrison |
WP-26 |
Health Education: Finding Opportunities |
Bruce MacMillan Michael Palmer |
P-73 |
Home Information Systems: Some Thoughts on the Role of Public Television; published in Public Telecommunications Review, May/June 1979, pp. 20-25 |
M.J. Nyhan
R. Johansen
R. Plummer |
P-114 |
HUB: A Computer-Based Communication System to Support Group Problem Solving |
Richard P. Adler
Hubert M. Lipinski |
P-68 |
Identifying the Information Space of a Model: An Approach to Validation; presented at Second Lawrence Symposium on Systems and Decision Sciences, May/June 1979, pp. 20-25 |
H. Lipinski
K. Spangler
S. Traweek |
P-46 |
Impact of a Computer-Based Communications Network on the Working Patterns of Researchers; presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 1976 |
R. Johansen
J. Vallee |
P-87 |
Imperatives for Tomorrow: The I’s Have It: Images, Institutions, Involvement; prepared for The First Global Conference on the Future, Toronto, Canada, July 20-24, 1980 |
R. Amara |
R-62 |
Industrial Robot Outlook (CDC) |
R. Amara
R. Mittman
S. Ellowitz |
R-62A |
Industrial Robot Outlook (CDC) |
R. Amara
R. Mittman
S. Ellowitz |
P-29 |
Information Organization for Interactive Use: Design Implications in Data-Base Systems; published in Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, July-August 1973, pp. 287-299, reprint |
J. Vallee
G. Askevold |
P-8 |
Information Theory, Cross-Impact Matrices, and Pivotal Events |
R. Rochberg |
WP-46 |
Innovation and Advanced Development in the Computer Industry |
Wayne Rosing |
R-44 |
Interactive Group Modeling: Part 1. Extending Group Communication through Computers |
Kathleen Vian Hubert Lipinski Robert Plummer |
R-45 |
Interactive Group Modeling: Part 2. An Interactive Monitor |
Kathleen Vian
Hubert Lipinski
Robert Plummer
Sara Spang |
R-46 |
Interactive Group Modeling: Part 3. HUB and the Modeling Process |
Kathleen Vian
Hubert Lipinski
Sara Spang
John Tydeman |
R-47 |
Interactive Group Modeling: Part 4. Some Preliminary Tests of the HUB System |
Sara Spang
Barbara McNeal
Kathleen Vian |
P-71 |
Interactive Monitoring of Computer-Based Group Communication |
K. Spangler
H. Lipinski
R. Plummer |
P-40 |
Interdependence Has Its Limits; published in Foreign Policy, No. 21, Winter 1975-76, pp. 188-197, reprint |
G. Schmid |
P-166 |
International Outlook for the Decade of the 1990s; prepared for International Symposium on Accounting and Management on the Threshold of the 21st Century, National Autonomous University, Mexico City, Mexico, October 5, 1989 |
R. Amara |
P-75 |
International Security and the World Economy |
G. Schmid |
P-65 |
Interpersonal Communication through Computers; presented at the Sixth Annual Telecommunications Research Conference, Airlie House, Virginia, May 10-13, 1978 |
R. Johansen |
P-178 |
Introduction to Evaluation of Teleconferencing —A Beginner’s Guide; from ITCA Yearbook 1991 |
J. Charles |
P-173 |
Is the Pharmaceutical Industry on the Right Track?; presentation to Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Public Affairs Section Meeting, Pebble Beach, CA, October 28-30, 1990 |
I. Morrison |
R-8 |
Issues and Opportunities in the State of Connecticut: 1970-2000 (CRC) |
Selwyn Enzer
Raul de Brigard |
P-135 |
Issues of the Future; presented to Edison Electric Institute, Issue Identification Management, Washington, DC, October 23, 1984 |
A. Lipinski |
P-17 |
Japanese Competition in the Information Industry |
P. Baran |
P-112 |
Key Issues for the Print Industry in the '80s |
Roy Amara |
P-90 |
Laboratory Costs and Utilization—A Framework for Analysis and Policy Design; published in the Journal of Medical Education, April 1981, pp. 307-315 |
D. Hardwick
I. Morrison
J. Tydeman
P. Cassidy
W. Chase |
P-139 |
Lawyers in the 1990s; 1986 Ten-Year Forecast, reprint |
P. Saffo |
P-58 |
Linking the Corporation to the Future |
R. Amara
A. Lipinski |
P-7 |
Long-Range Forecasting—Roles and Methods; presented at the Conference on Forecasting the Future, Harrogate, England |
O. Helmer |
R-63 |
Long-Term Environmental Trends for ITV (Cresap, McCormick & Paget) |
G. Schmid |
P-146 |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care |
I. Morrison
R. Amara
G. Schmid |
WP-43 |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Key Variables |
NA |
WP-44 |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Output Measures |
NA |
R-77 |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) |
R. Amara
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
I. Morrison |
R-77A |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) |
R. Amara
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
I. Morrison |
R-77B |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) |
R. Amara
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
I. Morrison |
R-77F |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—An Overview (Robert Wood Johnson) |
I. Morrison |
R-77E |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—Final Report (Robert Wood Johnson) |
R. Amara
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
I. Morrison |
R-77D |
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—Public Policy Scenarios, Overview and Summary (Robert Wood Johnson) |
R. Amara
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
I. Morrison |
P-57 |
Looking Ahead at the Third Century; published in World, Spring 1976 |
R. Amara |
P-159 |
Looking to the 1990s: The Key Issues; presentation to the Association of Government Accountants |
G. Schmid |
R-79 |
Lumber, Wood and Secondary Wood Products in California (State of California) |
R. Mittman |
P-35 |
Mapping Views of the Future in a Small Group; published in Futures, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 163-170, reprint |
R. Johansen
J. Ferguson |
R-70 |
Medical Equipment and Supplies Industry (CDC) |
R. Mittman
M. Poulin |
R-70A |
Medical Equipment and Supplies Industry (CDC) |
R. Mittman
M. Poulin |
P-52 |
Modeling as a Communication Process: Computer Conferencing Offers New Perspectives; published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 391-400 |
J. Vallee |
WP-6 |
Models And Simulation - Some Definitions |
Dennis L. Little |
WP-17 |
Multipurpose Planning Games |
Olaf Helmer |
P-110 |
National Networking: A Case Study |
Seldon P. Todd, Jr
Michael T. Greelis |
WP-30 |
National Service in the U.S. : Problems, Prospects, and Opportunities for the Arthur Vening Davis Foundations |
Michael J. Nyhan, Michael Palmer |
P-28 |
Network Conferencing; published in Datamation, May 1974, pp. 85-92, reprint |
J. Vallee |
P-160 |
New Directions on Innovation; published in Futures, March 1990, pp. 142-152 |
R. Amara |
R-61 |
New Strategies for Innovations in Medical Information Systems (John Hartford) |
M. Pulin |
WP-1 |
Notes on Seminar on Future Broad-Band Communications |
Paul Baron |
P-3 |
On the Impact of the New Communications Media upon Social Values |
P. Baran |
R-23 |
On the Nature of Economic Losses Arising from Computer-Based Systems in the Next 15 Years (Skandia) |
J.R. Salancik
T.J. Gordon
Neale Adams |
P-10 |
On the State-of-the-Art of Computer Development by the Year 2000; prepared in conjunction with the Working Group on the Social Implications of the Computer of the Commission for the Year 2000 |
P. Baran |
R-27 |
One the Future State of the Union (Russell Sage) |
Olaf Helmer |
P-181 |
Outlook for Mexico and the United States in the 1990s—A Conference Sponsored by AMROP International, Mexico City, June 1992 |
J. Morrison |
P-165 |
Outlook for San Mateo County Youth in the Year 2000; prepared for San Mateo County 2000 |
A. Saveri |
P-176 |
Outlook for the California Economy; presented to The Bay Area Council, San Francisco, CA, January 14, 1992 |
I. Morrison |
P-164 |
Perspectives on San Mateo County in the Year 2000; prepared for San Mateo County 2000 |
G. Schmid |
P-38 |
Pitfalls in the Social Evaluation of Teleconferencing Media; published in Second Annual International Communications Conference, “The Status of the Telephone in Education,” University of Wisconsin, May 27-28, 1976, reprint |
R. Johansen |
P-48 |
Planning with Scenarios: The Banking World of 1985 |
M. Palmer
G. Schmid |
P-59 |
Planning, Futures, and the Skeptics |
R. Amara |
R-48A |
Policy Choices in Vocational Education |
Gregory Schmid |
R-48B |
Policy Choices in Vocational Education: technical Appendix |
Gregory Schmid |
P-1 |
Political Analysis of the Future |
O. Helmer |
P-6 |
Potential Institutional Arrangements of Organizations Involved in the Exploitation of Remotely Sensed Earth Resources Data |
T. Gordon S. Enzer |
R-26 |
Potential Market Demand for Two-Way Information Services to the Home, 1970-1990 (DOC) |
Paul Baran |
R-36 |
Priorities in Postsecondary Education (The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations)
Formerly SR-64 |
Michael Palmer
Margaret Chula
Carreen Jensen
Robert Johansen
Patricia A. Samuel
Paul Armer |
P-56 |
Probing the Future |
R. Amara |
R-78 |
Profiting from Teleconference Use (Outlook Project) |
R. Johansen |
P-49 |
Remote Viewing Experiments through Computer Conferencing; published in Proceedings Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1551-1552, reprint |
J. Vallee
A. Hastings
G. Askevold |
R-14 |
Report on the Future of the Future-State-of-the-Union Reports (Russell Sage) |
Olaf Helmer |
P-119 |
Report: Workshop on Electronic Directories / Electronic Yellow Pages |
R. Adler
M. Nyhan
J. Tydeman |
R-12 |
Research on Cross-Impact Techniques with Applications to Selected Problems in Economics, Political Science, and Technology Assessment (NSF) |
T.J. Gordon
Richard Rochberg
Selwyn Enzer |
WP-4 |
Selected Urban Simulations & Games |
Mark Nagelberg, Dennis L. Little |
R-109 |
Selecting and Using Communications Tools
(generic version of 3Com Workshop report) |
A. Saveri |
P-149 |
Seniornet: Toward a National Community; prepared for the Aspen Institute Conference of Computer-Using Seniors “Harnessing New Electronic Technologies to Meet the Needs of Elderly People,” Queenstown, MD, October 28-30, 1987 |
R. Adler |
WP-3 |
Simulation of Urban Systems - A Selected Bibliography |
Mark Nagelberg |
WP-15 |
Simulation, Futurism, and the Liberal Arts College: A Case Study |
Dennis L. Little, Raul de Brigard |
P-51 |
Social and Technological Forecasting in the Soviet Union; published in Futures, Vol. 8, No. 6, December 1976, pp. 485-495, reprint |
R. Randolph |
P-63 |
Social Evaluations of Teleconferencing; A Summary; published in Telecommunications Policy, December 1977, pp. 395-419, reprint |
R. Johansen |
P-23 |
Social Indicators, Policy Analysis and Simulation; published in Futures, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 1972, pp. 220-231, reprint |
D. Little |
R-68 |
Software Information Processing (CDC) |
P. Saffo R. Mittman |
R-68A |
Software Information Processing (CDC) Revised |
P. Saffo R. Mittman |
P-5 |
Some Commercial and Industrial Aspects of the Space Program |
S. Enzer |
R-28 |
Some Considerations Concerning Bankruptcy Reform (NSF) |
Selwyn Enzer
Raul de Brigard
F.D. Lazar |
R-17 |
Some Developments in Plastics and Competing Materials by 1985 (OCF) |
Selwyn Enzer |
R-30 |
Some Impacts of No-Fault Automobile Insurance—A Technology Assessment, Volume I (NSF) |
Selwyn Enzer |
R-31 |
Some Impacts of No-Fault Automobile Insurance—A Technology Assessment, Volume II (NSF) |
Selwyn Enzer |
WP-23 |
Some Methods of Futures Research |
Roy Amara |
P-50 |
Some Observations on the Interaction of Technology and Society; published in Futures, Vol. 7, No. 6, December 1975, pp. 515-517, reprint |
P-4 |
Some Possible Futures of American Religion |
T. Gordon |
R-7 |
Some Potential Societal Developments: 1970-2000 (CRC) |
Raul de Brigard
Olaf Helmer |
R-13 |
Some Prospects for Residential Housing by 1985 (OCF) |
Selwyn Enzer |
R-25 |
Some Prospects for Social Change by 1985 and Their Impact on Time/Money Budgets (GTE) |
Selwyn Enzer
D.L. Little
F.D. Lazar |
WP-16 |
Some Trends Likely to Affect American Society in the Next Several Decades |
Dennis L. Little, Theodore J. Johnson |
P-19 |
Some Views on the Use of Expert Judgment |
R. Amara
A. Lipinski |
R-43 |
Sophisticated Protectionism: The International Agreements on Textile Trade (The Ford Foundation) |
Gregory Schmid
Owen Phillips |
WP-12 |
STAPOL A Simulation of the Impact of Policy, Values, and Technological and Societal Developments upon the Quality of Life |
Dennis Little, Richard Feller |
WP-14 |
STAPOL Appendix to the Simulation - Game Manual |
Dennis L. Little |
WP-13 |
STAPOL Simulation - Game Manual |
Dennis Little, Richard Rochberg, Richard Feller |
P-62 |
Strategic Planning in a Changing Corporate Environment; published in Long Range Planning, No. 12, No. 1, pp. 2-16 |
R. Amara |
P-30 |
Strategic Planning: Penetrating the Corporate Barriers |
R. Amara
A. Lipinski |
P-93 |
Structuring Complexity of Testing—A Process Control Approach to Limiting Unnecessary Laboratory Use |
D. Hardwick
I. Morrison
J. Tydeman
P. Cassidy
W. Chase |
P-170 |
Teams for Tomorrow; prepared for Plenary Speech at 24th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, January 8-11, 1991 |
R. Johansen |
WP-33 |
Technology Assessment of Videotex and Teletex / Phase 1 Report: Bcakground Information and Findings on Teletex and Videotex |
John Tydeman, Lawrence Zwimpfer, Hubert Lipinski, Michael J. Nyhan, Robert Plummer, Richard Adler |
WP-34 |
Technology Assessment of Videotex and Teletex / Standards Policy Workshop Background Papers |
NA |
P-155 |
Technology for Electronic Publishing and Computer Software: An Essay on Technical Invention and Social Innovation; prepared for the Aspen Institute Conference on The Future of Electronic Publishing and Computer Software for Personal Use, Queenstown, MD, |
R. Adler |
R-50 |
Telecommunications and Developmentally Disabled People: Evaluations of Audio Conferencing, Personal Computers, Computer Conferencing, and Electronic Mail |
Robert Johansen
Barbara McNeal
Michael J. Nyhan |
WP-35 |
Telecommunications and Service to the Developmentally Disabled / Volume 1: Needs and Opportunities |
NA |
WP-36 |
Telecommunications and Service to the Developmentally Disabled / Volume 2: Application Possibilities |
NA |
R-73A |
Telecommunications Equipment (CDC)
Revised |
R. Mittman
J. Goldberg |
R-73 |
Telecommunications Equipment (CDC) |
R. Mittman
J. Goldberg |
P-154 |
Telecommunications, Information Technology, and Rural Development; prepared for Aspen Institute Conference on the Importance of Communication and Information Systems to Rural Development in the United States, Aspen CO, July 24-27, 1988 |
R. Adler |
P-137 |
Teleconferencing Success Stories; prepared for the ITCA Conference, Teleconference Summit, February 1985 |
R. Johansen |
P-89 |
Teletext and Videotex in North America: Issues and Insights for the USA—Report of a Workshop; edited version of “Summary Report” published in IFTF Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1979; published in Telecommunications Policy, March 1980, pp. 31-41 |
R. Johansen
M. Nyhan
R. Plummer |
P-122 |
Teletext and Videotex Standards for the U.S.: Report of a Policy Workshop |
H. Lipinski
J. Tydeman
L. Zwimpfer |
P-126 |
Teletext and Videotex: The Outlook for Australia |
J. Tydeman |
P-120 |
Teletext and Videotex: Tomorrow’s Technology Today; prepared for Winning Strategies in the ‘80s, 12th Annual Seminar for Academic Computing Services, General Seminar, Snowmass, CO, August 9-12, 1981 |
J. Tydeman |
WP-39 |
Ten Years of Teleconferencing: Lessions from Failures, Hints for Success |
NA |
WP-38 |
Testing and Evalutating a Teleconference Model as a Management Tool in the Planning Process |
NA |
R-67 |
The Apparel Industry—The Other California
Final Report and Appendix (CDC) |
G. Schmid
R. Roistacher
R. Mittman |
WP-18 |
The Automobile Insutance System: Surrent Status and Some Proposed Revisions |
Selwyn Enzer, Gorgon J. Slotsky, Dennis L. Little, James E. Doggart, David A. Long |
P-151 |
The Chemical Industry in the 1990s: Technology Push and Market Pull |
A. Cook |
P-121 |
The Chip at Work: Emerging Home Information Services; prepared for 18th New Zealand National Electronics Conference, Denedin, New Zealand, August 1981 |
L. Zwimpfer |
P-82 |
The Common Sense of Trying Out Videotex; prepared for Viewdata ’80, Panel on Design and Evaluation on Videotex/Viewdata Services |
R. Johansen |
P-128 |
The Competitors to Cable |
R. Adler |
P-33 |
The Computer Conference: An Altered State of Communication?; published in The Futurist, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 1975, pp. 116-121, reprint |
J. Vallee
R. Johansen
K. Spangler |
P-13 |
The Construction of Delphi Statements; published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 3, pp. 65-73, reprint |
J. Salancik
W. Wenger
E. Helfer |
P-129 |
The Consumer and Business Markets for Videotex in the U.S.; prepared for Videotex ‘82, New York, June 28-30, 1982 |
J. Tydeman
R. Adler
H. Lipinski |
P-102 |
The Cost of Laboratory Technology: A Framework for Cost Management |
J. Tydeman
I. Morrison
D. Kasap
M. Poulin |
P-101 |
The Cost of Procedures Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory |
J. Tydeman
I. Morrison
D. Hardwick
P. Cassidy |
P-11 |
The Current Methods of Futures Research |
T. Gordon |
P-156 |
The Death of a Design, Invasion of the Laser Crud, The Paper Revolution, and Beyond |
P. Saffo |
P-32 |
The Dynamics of Long-Term Growth; published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 285-300, reprint |
F. Meyer |
P-109 |
The Effects of Current Economic Pressures on the Scope for New Telecommunications Services in the Field of Developmental Disabilities |
Martin C.J. Elton |
P-41 |
The FORUM Project: Network Conferencing and Its Future Applications; published in Computer Networks, Vol. 1, reprint. |
J. Vallee |
P-177 |
The Future and the American Health Care System; presented to Volunteer Trustees of Not-for-Profit Hospitals at National Trustee Conference, November 3-6, 1991 |
I. Morrison |
R-107 |
The Future of California’s Health Care, The Rise of Managed Care and the Collapse of the Safety Net (Kaiser Family Foundation) |
M. O’Hara-Devereaux
R. Falcon |
WP-25 |
The Future of Hunting and Gun Control |
Andrew J. Lipinski |
P-80 |
The Future of Management: Ten Shapers of Management in the ’80s |
R. Amara |
R-16 |
The Future of Newsprint, 1970-2000, A Special Industry Report (MB) |
Paul Baran |
R-20 |
The Future of the Telephone Industry, 1970-1985, A Special Industry Report (AT&T) |
Paul Baran
A.J. Lipinski |
P-69 |
The Future of Voluntarism: Meeting Changing Societal Needs |
R. Amara |
P-25 |
The Futures Field: Functions, Forms, and Critical Issues |
R. Amara |
R-51 |
The HUB Project—Computer-Based Support for Group Problem Solving |
Hubert Lipinski
Richard Adler |
P-142 |
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on Health Care; published in Health Care Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, Winter 1986, pp. 167-182, reprint |
G. Schmid
M. Poulin
B. McNeal |
R-60A |
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on the Practice of Medicine, 1982, 95 (See P-142) |
R-60 |
The Impact of New Diagnostic Technologies on the Practice of Medicine, 1982, 95 (See R-60A) |
P-175 |
The Impact of Telecommunications on Urban Development; prepared for Regional Plan Association, New York, NY |
I. Morrison
A. Saveri |
R-54 |
The Information Technology Environment for Medical Colleges Over the Next Decade (AAMC) |
John Tydeman |
P-184 |
The Intersection of Biotechnology and Information Technology |
NA |
R-57 |
The Market for Teletext in the United States
(Revised SR-142, 10/82) |
Richard Adler
Hubert Lipinski |
P-141 |
The Maturing of Corporate Planning; published in “Issues,” The PA Journal for Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1986, pp. 23-26, reprint |
R. Amara |
P-115 |
The New Activism and the Corporation |
Roy Amara
Gregory Schmid |
P-31 |
The Next 25 Years: Crises and Challenges; presented at the World Future Society Second General Assembly Plenary Session |
R. Amara |
P-2 |
The Non-Proliferation Treaty at the Crossroads |
A. Kramish |
WP-28 |
The Programatics of Long-Range Planning |
Robert Johansen, Patricia Samuel |
P-16 |
The Social Responsibility of Business |
R. Amara |
R-69A |
The Telecommunications Industry: Networks—Revised (CDC) |
R. Mittman
J. Goldberg |
R-69 |
The Telecommunications Industry: Networks (CDC) |
R. Mittman
J. Goldberg |
P-72 |
The U.S. in the Decade Ahead: An Inventory of Resources |
R. Amara |
R-10 |
The Use of Cross-Impact Matrices for Forecasting and Planning (EPRC, CRC, WU) |
Richard Rochberg
T.J. Gordon
Olaf Helmer |
P-98 |
The Videotex Invention: Marvel or Myth?; presented at National Cable Television Association, Executive Seminar Series, Videotex Services, February 2, 1980 |
M. Nyhan |
P-37 |
The World Grain Trade in the Next Decade; published in Ag World, Vol. 2, No. 5, June 1976, reprint |
G. Schmid |
P-54 |
There Ain’t No User Science: A Tongue-in-Cheek Discussion of Interactive Systems; presented at the American Society for Information Science, San Francisco, 1976 |
J. Vallee |
WP-42 |
TORT Reform: Evolution of the Automobile Accident Compensation System in California |
Andrew J. Lipinski |
P-20 |
Toward a Framework for National Goals and Policy Research; published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-2, November 5, 1972, pp. 603-609 |
R. Amara |
R-111 |
Toward a Light-Touch Economy: At The Intersection of Sustainability and Information Technology |
WP-11 |
Toward the Institutionilization of Change |
Albert Wilson, Donna Wilson |
P-105 |
Toward the Year 2000: National Priorities |
R. Amara |
R-29 |
Toward Understanding the Social Impact of Computers (NSF) |
Roy Amara |
P-138 |
Twelve Emerging Technologies for the 1990s |
R. Amara |
P-79 |
Two-Year Colleges in the 1980s |
G. Schmid
L. Russell |
P-131 |
Uncertainty: From Denial to Acceptance |
A. Lipinski |
P-144 |
User Needs Workshops: A New Approach to Anticipating User Needs for Advanced Office Systems; published in Office: Technology and People, Vol. 2, 1984, pp. 103-109 |
R. Johansen
E. Baker |
P-118 |
User Perspectives: Vermonters Talk About A Telecommunications Demonstration |
S. Chupak
E. Sbardellati
K. Thomas
L. Viets
G. Wickes |
P-81 |
Videotex and Teletext in the U.S.: Prospects for the 1980s; prepared for Videotex in Action |
M. Nyhan
R. Johansen
R. Plummer |
P-108 |
Videotex in the United States—Toward Information Diversity |
J. Tydeman |
P-125 |
Videotex: Ushering in the Electronic Household |
J. Tydeman |
P-148 |
What the Baby Boomers Can Expect From Private Employee Health Care Systems; prepared for Medicare Reform and the Baby Boom Generation Second Annual Conference Americans for Generational Equity, Washington, DC |
R. Amara |
P-140 |
What to Expect from Teleconferencing; published in Harvard Business Review, March/April 1984, pp. 4-10 |
R. Johansen
C. Bullen |
P-152 |
What We Have Learned about Forecasting and Planning; published in Futures, August 1988, pp. 385-401 reprint |
R. Amara |
R-101A |
Woodland Public Library Workshop, Strategic Choices, July 25, 1995 (Woodland Public Library) |
R. Kaplan
N. Ozawa
G. Schmid |
R-101 |
Woodland Public Library, Strategic Planning Databook (Woodland Public Library) |
R. Kaplan
N. Ozawa
G. Schmid |
R-103 |
Woodland Public Library: Strategic Plan, November 8, 1995 (Woodland Public Library) |
R. Kaplan
N. Ozawa
G. Schmid |
P-103 |
You Can See the Results, But What Went into the Making? |
R. Burns |