On the Impact of the New Communications Media upon Social Values Publication DateMarch 1969 AuthorP. Baran Report NumberP-3 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords silicon biotechnology semiconductor calculators
On the State-of-the-Art of Computer Development by the Year 2000; prepared in conjunction with the Working Group on the Social Implications of the Computer of the Commission for the Year 2000 Publication DateSeptember 1970 AuthorP. Baran Report NumberP-10 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords silicon lower cost biotechnology semiconductor calculators flowing
FORUM: A Computer-Assisted Communications Medium; published in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Communication, reprint Publication DateAugust 1974 AuthorH. Lipinski R. Miller Report NumberP-26 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
Group Communication through Electronic Media: Fundamental Choices and Social Effects; published in Educational Technology, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 7-20, reprint. Publication DateAugust 1974 AuthorR. Johansen R. Miller J. Vallee Report NumberP-27 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
Network Conferencing; published in Datamation, May 1974, pp. 85-92, reprint Publication DateMay 1974 AuthorJ. Vallee Report NumberP-28 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
Information Organization for Interactive Use: Design Implications in Data-Base Systems; published in Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, July-August 1973, pp. 287-299, reprint Publication DateJuly 1973 AuthorJ. Vallee G. Askevold Report NumberP-29 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
The Computer Conference: An Altered State of Communication?; published in The Futurist, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 1975, pp. 116-121, reprint Publication DateJune 1975 AuthorJ. Vallee R. Johansen K. Spangler Report NumberP-33 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
Geologic Application of Network Conferencing: Current Experiments with the FORUM System; published in ACS Computer Networking and Chemistry Symposium Series, No. 19, pp. 53-66, reprint Publication DateJanuary 1975 AuthorJ. Vallee G. Askevold Report NumberP-34 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
The World Grain Trade in the Next Decade; published in Ag World, Vol. 2, No. 5, June 1976, reprint Publication DateJune 1976 AuthorG. Schmid Report NumberP-37 Topic Category Food Keywords international economic exporters international financial markets world's monetary standard
Pitfalls in the Social Evaluation of Teleconferencing Media; published in Second Annual International Communications Conference, “The Status of the Telephone in Education,” University of Wisconsin, May 27-28, 1976, reprint Publication DateMay 1976 AuthorR. Johansen Report NumberP-38 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts