One the Future State of the Union (Russell Sage) Publication DateMay 1972 AuthorOlaf Helmer Report NumberR-27 Topic Category Governance Keywords alternative futures planning programming budgeting automobile insurance formulate societal processes making decisions systems analysis early warning
Some Considerations Concerning Bankruptcy Reform (NSF) Publication DateMarch 1973 AuthorSelwyn Enzer Raul de Brigard F.D. Lazar Report NumberR-28 Topic Category Governance Keywords immigration slower growth rapid increase coming decade force growth young
Toward Understanding the Social Impact of Computers (NSF) Publication DateMay 1974 AuthorRoy Amara Report NumberR-29 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords alternative futures planning programming budgeting automobile insurance formulate societal processes making decisions systems analysis early warning
Some Impacts of No-Fault Automobile Insurance—A Technology Assessment, Volume I (NSF) Publication DateMarch 1974 AuthorSelwyn Enzer Report NumberR-30 Topic Category Technology Keywords alternative futures planning programming budgeting automobile insurance formulate societal processes making decisions systems analysis early warning
Some Impacts of No-Fault Automobile Insurance—A Technology Assessment, Volume II (NSF) Publication DateMay 1974 AuthorSelwyn Enzer Report NumberR-31
Group Communication through Computers, Volume 1: Design and Use of the FORUM System (ARPA, NSF) Publication DateJuly 1974 AuthorJacques Vallee Hubert M. Lipinski Richard H. Miller Report NumberR-32
Group Communication through Computers, volume 3: Pragmatics and Dynamics (NSF) Publication DateOctober 1975 AuthorJacques Vallee Robert Johansen Hubert Lipinski Kathleen Spangler Thaddeus Wilson Andrew Hardy Report NumberR-35 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords computer conferences private messages effects of computer transcripts
Priorities in Postsecondary Education (The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations) Formerly SR-64 Publication DateFebruary 1977 AuthorMichael Palmer Margaret Chula Carreen Jensen Robert Johansen Patricia A. Samuel Paul Armer Report NumberR-36 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Electronic Meetings: Technical Alternatives and Social Choices. Source: Robert Johansen, Jacques Vallee, and Kathleen Spanger, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1979. This book is an expanded version of: The Camelia Report: A Study of Technical AuthorRobert Johansen Jacques Vallee Kathleen Spanger R. Garry Shirts Report NumberR-37 Topic Category Emerging Media Keywords teleconferencing metropolitan area user organizations business meetings
Future Societal Developments and Postsecondary Education (Lilly Endowment, Inc.) Formerly SR-72 Publication DateMarch 1977 AuthorRobert Johansen Patricia Samuel Report NumberR-38 Topic Category Work & Learn Keywords external events stapol realistic probabilities associated legislative actions designed previous forecasting studies federal executive institute selected legislative action technological events affect