Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateMarch 1986 AuthorR. Amara G. Schmid M. Poulin I. Morrison Report NumberR-77 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateMarch 1986 AuthorR. Amara G. Schmid M. Poulin I. Morrison Report NumberR-77A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000 (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateMarch 1986 AuthorR. Amara G. Schmid M. Poulin I. Morrison Report NumberR-77B Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—Public Policy Scenarios, Overview and Summary (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateMay 1987 AuthorR. Amara G. Schmid M. Poulin I. Morrison Report NumberR-77D Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—Final Report (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateJune 1987 AuthorR. Amara G. Schmid M. Poulin I. Morrison Report NumberR-77E Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Two Environmental Scenarios to Year 2000—An Overview (Robert Wood Johnson) Publication DateOctober 1987 AuthorI. Morrison Report NumberR-77F Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
California Health Safety Net Databook Publication DateDecember 1994 Report NumberR-100A Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords alternative futures planning programming budgeting automobile insurance formulate societal processes making decisions systems analysis early warning
The Future of California’s Health Care, The Rise of Managed Care and the Collapse of the Safety Net (Kaiser Family Foundation) Publication DateFebruary 1996 AuthorM. O’Hara-Devereaux R. Falcon Report NumberR-107 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Key Variables Publication DateFebruary 1986 AuthorNA Report NumberWP-43 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals
Looking Ahead at American Health Care: Output Measures Publication DateJuly 1986 AuthorNA Report NumberWP-44 Topic Category Health and Wellness Keywords hospital health care system national health insurance physicians and hospitals